Saturday, May 8, 2010

Swooning over Swoon


Swoon is all the rage and her book release party let it be known. None of her intricately cut pieces were up at Urban Art Projects in Williamsburg tonight, but her work was everywhere. The walls were covered in open books so the work was displayed, in a sense. To get one, you paid at one table, took the book off the wall and went to another table to have it signed.

Meeting Swoon is a thing like meeting ... She is a American international art super star and she sets the standards for the boys who run the show. She's personable with big smiles and seems as if she's the one having the most fun at the party. Her presence is great reminder that art is made, in fact, by people. 

So I bought the book and got it signed for my mom. Her birthday is coming up and she delights in Swoon's dreamy style and renegade personality. A moment of horror almost took me when I told her my mom is big fan. I hoped not to induce Rex Manning disappointment at his one teenage fan in Empire Record's signing line. But all rolled smoothly. She took a sharpie to a whole front page of her book and wrote, "HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!" Until she remembered it was for her birthday and added the extra salutation facing it. 

The book is striking. One of her figures looks you right in the eye on a glossy red cover, there's an introduction by Jeffrey Deitch and the pages are full of her various projects. Included is a glimpse at her river raft expedition, which is magical to say the least. 

Swoon starts on her next project soon. The artist is bringing a team to Haiti to build Konbit Shelters  for communities ravaged by the earthquake. The structures were originally designed by Iran-born architect and humanitarian Nader Khalili and consist of ninety percent earth. A prototype is on exhibit in Urban Art Projects’ inaugural Williamsburg Waterfront Sculpture Exhibition in East River State Park during the month of May.

Swoon Konbit Shelter  -  Brooklyn, NY  -  May 2010

Swoon Konbit Shelter  -  Brooklyn, NY  -  May 2010

Urban Art Projects Exhibition  -  Brooklyn, NY  -  May 2010

Urban Art Projects Exhibition  -  Brooklyn, NY  -  May 2010

Urban Art Projects Exhibition  -  Brooklyn, NY  -  May 2010

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